Learn / How to Make a Mojito With & Without Alcohol

July 31st, 2023

How to Make a Mojito With & Without Alcohol

In the heart of Havana, under the spell of a Caribbean sunset, the mojito was born. As one of Cuba's oldest cocktails, this refreshing delight whispers tales of white sands, tropical breezes, and spirited festivities that make your soul sway like the island's palms.

Creating a perfect mojito is akin to summoning the magic of a sultry Caribbean evening — each flavor element should fuse in perfect harmony. Fresh ingredients are the whispered secrets of the tropics, each one contributing its distinctive character to this minty delight.

Like a warm summer breeze rustling through a lush grove or the lively pulse of a carnaval celebration, the taste of a well-crafted mojito captures the vibrant spirit of its Cuban roots in every sip.

So, how can you craft one of these breezy concoctions for yourself? Whether you want your drink to sway with the rhythm of alcohol or dance to the beat of a more mindful, functional ingredient, we are here to guide you on this spirited journey.

What is the History of the Mojito?

A cocktail recipe born from the Cuban essence, the mojito combines the sweet kiss of sugar cane, the tartness of fresh lime juice, and the intoxicating allure of the best rum — typically Bacardi — into an enchanting dance of flavors. A classic cocktail not just for the summer but for all seasons.

The mojito's story begins in the vibrant city of Havana, where it was a favored drink among sailors in the late 16th century. Originally known as "El Draque" after Sir Francis Drake, the mojito was reputedly used as a medicinal remedy for scurvy and dysentery, brimming as it was with vitamin C — a critical nutrient in preventing scurvy — from fresh lime juice and mint, which is also revered for its digestive benefits.

As time passed, the medicinal brew evolved, picking up influences from the sugar cane fields and lime groves that stretched across the Cuban landscape. Rum eventually replaced the aguardiente as Cuba's distillation processes improved, adding the elegant touch that we now associate with this classic cocktail.

What Ingredients Do You Need for a Classic Mojito?

The mojito is a language of simplicity spoken by nature itself, and like all profound whispers of the earth, it's the quality of its elements that make it timeless. The pristine freshness of your ingredients is what lifts a true mojito above its less resonant counterparts, just as a lush, tropical breeze stands out amidst the still air.

  • Mint leaves: Fresh mint leaves are the soul of a mojito. Its fragrant, cooling aroma is what defines this refreshing cocktail. Be sure to opt for fresh over dried, as the latter lacks the intensity required for this classic cocktail.
  • Lime juice: Freshly squeezed lime juice provides a tart balance to the sweetness of the mojito. Remember, only fresh lime juice can lend that authentic Cuban zest to your mojito.
  • White rum: The choice of rum is crucial. A quality white rum, like Bacardi, offers a smooth, refined taste that complements rather than overpowers the other flavors. After all, you're creating a delicate balance, not a rum cocktail bulldozer.
  • Simple syrup: Traditionally made from sugar cane, simple syrup offers a subtle sweetness that ties all the flavors together. Its role is supportive rather than leading, ensuring a pleasing harmony of taste. You can also use granulated sugar, adding an enriching hint of texture to the sweetness of your drink.
  • Club soda: A splash of soda water adds a fizzy finish to your mojito, making it the perfect summer cocktail for those hot summer days.

What Tools Do You Need for a Mojito?

Transforming simple, earth-given ingredients into a captivating mojito requires a collection of essential tools. These include:

  • A muddler: the muddler is your tool to awaken the essence of fresh mint leaves. By gently crushing the leaves, you release the vibrant oils that hold the refreshing, minty charm at the heart of your mojito.
  • A highball glass: Tradition and function meet in the choice of a slender highball glass or tall glass for serving mojitos. Its design mirrors the upright posture of a sugar cane stalk, hinting at the drink’s origins while providing ample space for crushed ice, creating a cool oasis in the midst of a hot summer day.
  • A cocktail shaker: The cocktail shaker is your vessel for blending the symphony of ingredients into one harmonious entity. It allows you to incorporate the ingredients evenly, ensuring a consistent taste from the first refreshing sip to the last.

Equipped with these tools and an array of fresh ingredients, you're ready to craft a classic mojito that promises a sensory journey to the vibrant streets of Havana with every sip.

Step-by-Step Classic Mojito Recipe

Crafting a classic mojito is not merely a process but an embrace of an ethos that values freshness and balance. Each step is a gentle gesture, a quiet celebration of the moment.

1. The Muddling Process

Begin by adding about 10 fresh mint leaves to your glass. With your muddler or even a simple wooden spoon in hand, gently press and twist the leaves to release their aromatic oils. As you muddle, imagine the sun-kissed fields where these mint leaves once swayed in the Caribbean breeze.

2. Mixing

To the muddled mint, add two tablespoons of fresh lime juice. Its citrusy tang will dance with the cool mint in a playful salsa of flavors. Follow the lime with two tablespoons of simple syrup, lending a soothing sweetness to the melody. Now comes the rum — two shots of a quality white rum, gliding into the mix like a soft ocean wave.

3. Serving

Pour the blend into your highball glass filled with crushed ice. The ice should sparkle like tiny crystals under the tropical sun, tempering the mix and adding a frosted charm. Top up the glass with soda water, its bubbles fizzing and popping in a lively carnaval parade.

Your almost complete mojito now asks for the final garnish. Add a lime wedge and a sprig of fresh mint, its leaves unfurling like delicate fans. As you slide the lime onto the rim of the glass, imagine it as a bright Caribbean sun sinking into the cool ocean horizon. The moment of enjoyment is near.

Lift your glass, breathe in the ethereal blend of citrus and mint, and allow yourself to be transported to a beachside cabana in Cuba, where the rhythm of life is as refreshing and captivating as your classic mojito cocktail.

How To Make a Mojito Without Alcohol: the Aplós Approach

A mojito is not merely a drink — it's an experience. It's the refreshing coolness of a pool on a hot summer day, the exhilaration of a lively carnival, the tranquil beauty of a Havana sunset, and the intimate conversations that flow into the night. And now, this experience can unfold in a new, balanced way — with all the magic of a mojito but none of the alcohol.

Enter our elevated non-alcoholic functional spirits: Aplós Calme and Arise. These botanical-infused alternatives to rum can add a new depth of wellness to your mint mojito.

Calme is a hemp-infused spirit, a bright and citrusy blend perfect for the end of long summer days when you yearn to unwind. With each sip, let its subtle botanical whispers lure you into a state of tranquil relaxation.

Arise, on the other hand, is an adaptogen-infused spirit, bold and earthy. Use it when you want to stoke the fire of intimate conversations as the twilight paints the sky with its brushstrokes and the night air whispers through billowing curtains.

These botanical blends can seamlessly find their place in your mojito, contributing their unique characters to the dance, aligning with your rhythm, and enhancing the experience.


Here are the mojito ingredients you’ll need for your non-alcohol and wellness-brimming alternative:

  • 2 oz Aplós Arise or Calme
  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • A bunch of fresh mint
  • 2 oz Lime juice
  • 2 oz Soda water


In a shaker, combine your Aplós spirit, sugar, lime juice, and ice. Shake and strain it into a highball glass over ice. Add soda water and garnish with fresh mint sprigs and, if desired, flower sprigs, too.

Whether you choose the citrusy lull of Aplós Calme or the earthy vibrancy of Aplós Arise, each offers a distinct experience — all without the negative effects of alcohol — to better align with your state of mind and accentuate your moments.

An Exploration of Mojito Variations

Like the rhythms of rumba and salsa, the classic mojito invites playful improvisation. You can sway to its beat and let your senses guide your dance.

A strawberry mojito brings the blushing sweetness of ripe summer strawberries into the mix, its ruby red color painting your glass with the vibrant hues of a sunset over Havana, while a coconut mojito whispers tales of palm-fringed beaches and sun-drenched afternoons.

You can even try a frozen mojito or a mojito sorbet, best enjoyed as you bask in the beauty of the high summer sun. Let your senses guide you like the warm breeze, and enjoy the simple act of experimenting.

Awaken Adventure in Every Alluring Sip With Aplós

Making a mojito, whether traditional or with a contemporary, alcohol-free twist, is an intimate dance with nature's bounty. It's a journey through the vibrant streets of Cuba, an embrace of warm summer nights and the rich, sensory tapestry of a carnival.

It's as enjoyable as it is enriching — with a simple list of ingredients and tools, a bit of time, and a dash of spirit, whether that's rum or an Aplós functional spirit.

Relish in this ritual of creation — the muddling, the mixing, the garnishing, and ultimately, the enjoyment. And when your lips touch the glass, let the magic of the mojito transport you to a sunkissed reprieve.


History of scurvy and use of vitamin C in critical illness: A narrative review | Nutrition in Clinical Practice

Peppermint Information | Mount Sinai

What are Adaptogens & Types | Cleveland Clinic

Alcohol's Effects on the Body | NIH